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In 2008, I met a beautiful family in Bingin, Indonesia who have become like family to me over the years. Diah who was 2 years old when I met her, is now 13. Her mother, Made, made jewelry for Village Thrive, and in return the money I paid her helped support Diah to go to school. This was the very beginnings of Village Thrive. A few years ago, Made was unable to continue making jewelry as the detailed work was too much for her eyes. I knew that one of their most favorite gifts from the donations we would bring, were eye glasses. What I didn’t know was that she had cataracts, this was the cloudiness in her eyes I noticed. A curable condition treated with surgery, but one they obviously couldn’t afford. After some research, I found this amazing organization, John Fawcett Foundation, whose mission is to renew hope, uplift lives, and RESTORE SIGHT in Indonesia.INDONESIA – THE CHALLENGEIn Indonesia over 7 million people are blind.Around 65% of these are cataract blind – that is, 4.6 million people needlessly blind.Approximately 90% of these people are in the lower socio-economic group, with little or no access to specialist medical facilities.80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured. By supporting this campaign, you are helping not only Made regain her sight, but an entire village! This includes providing glasses, treating eye infections, eye exams for students, and restoring sight to those who are needlessly blind. Up to five hundred people will be treated! “They are poor because they are blind, and they are blind because they are poor.” -JFFThe Numbers – a $25 donation equals 7 people being treated. This could include someone who is needlessly blind and stuck in poverty have an opportunity to thrive again! (priceless if you ask me) Join us in bringing sight and healthy eyes to Bingin Village!The Mobile Clinic is scheduled for August 20-21, 2019. We (Suzanne Seick and Lynda Carroll) will be present.

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Donation Total: $10.00